Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Butterfly Handlebars Fitted To The Fatbike

It took a while, firstly because I was sure I bought them from a UK seller on ebay, but they ended up coming all the way from China!

However, when they arrived they should of come with the handlebar foam, so a quick email to the seller and they refunded more than half the cost of the total item for the inconvenience and asked if I could source locally!

So a few days later some handlebar foam turned up. 

Must say it was a bugger to get on, but I did run water on the inside of the foam to help ease it on over the bars.

Taking the leavers and gear shifters from the old bars was easy enough and remounting them was a simple task.

I have completed over 100 miles with the new bars fitted, and yes they are more comfortable, but the main reason I changed was to try and stop the tingling sensation and numbness in my left hand.

This I'm afraid has not stopped, but it has eased it a little bit, so they are staying on for the time being.

Also fitted to the bars are two pouches, a light, my phone mount and on the stem a cycle computer.

It took a bit of getting used to having narrow bars, especially on rutted tracks. Made for a few iffy moments!

Testing out the bars in the beautiful New Forest was a real chore!

Ride safe.....................

Butterfly Handlebars - 

Handlebar Foam -


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