Sunday, April 19, 2020

Holiday Over - Back To Work - Or Is It?

This week I have done very little other than cook, drink and sleep!

What an existence! Ordinarily that sounds like heaven, but when you are denied the right to go where you want at any time, it all becomes a bit weird!

I took the time to make Ethiopian Coffee using my Jebena - a traditional coffee pot!

I also made a video showing how I did it - You can watch it here

Like I said in my last post, this was a wasted holiday for me. My company would not allow me to cancel it.

I understand to a degree the reasoning behind it, but now I am left at a disadvantage of not being able to travel over to Holland with Kiera to visit her family once we come out of lockdown.

I phoned up the company on Friday to find out what the plan was for Monday.

To put it simply, there is no plan, not enough trucks available so I am sat at home on stand-by!

I'm on full pay, so not bad, but to be honest I'd rather be furloughed for 3 weeks and not have to be ready to go at a moments notice. That is a pain! I all ready did 3 days of that 2 weeks ago.

Oh well, I've got a job and I am still virus free - I think! 

It's hard to tell, you sneeze and your first thought is - I've got it!

Am I sweating because I'm just hot or have I got a fever? Am I coughing because it's just clearing my throat or is it a sign?

I can see why people with anxiety are suffering, it's enough to bring on a anxiety attack just thinking about it!

I have managed to cook some great meals though, it's nice to have the time to be able to do it, and to have a few beers at the same time!

It's now Sunday afternoon, had one too many last night and paying the price now!

Just got my gear to sort out for next week in case I'm called out and that's it!

Hope everyone is staying safe!!

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