Friday, May 31, 2024

A Bit Of An Update! (Long Overdue)

So, today is Friday and on Monday after almost a year off from driving a truck I will find myself back in one doing the same thing as I was before I left - and that's container work out of Southampton Docks.

Only this time things are a little different. I'm on with an Agency, which has it's pro's and con's but for me, I can now work when I want to work, and take time off when I want it rather than being dictated to.

That for me is the only reason I am going back, OK, not the only reason, money is the biggest reason!

Since I gave up trucking I have turned my hand to collecting and selling scrap metal and also restarted my eBay shop selling all sorts of treasure I found along my way.

This did work, but with the cost of living crisis in full swing, we did not budget for the mortgage going up almost £500 per month. We could of carried on without me earning more, but we both do enjoy the finer things in life and as it's only for a short time, I thought it prudent to return to work.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to go back, but feel I have to - it just eases the financial pressure.

So over the next couple of day's I'm putting together my tramping gear and ready for the off on Monday morning. I'll be away all week and hopefully returning home on Friday.

It's going to be hard work, I'm wondering if I can still reverse a truck on to the bay with no bother, we will find out soon enough!

I'm not looking forward to sleeping in a sweat box of a tin can during the summer or having to put up with trying to find parking after a long day, or generally being treated as something that's scrapped off the bottom of a shoe by the General Public either!

Of course there is always the threat of your container being broken into or your diesel stolen, although not my problem, it becomes mine after the event with phone calls and paperwork!

But, that's the life of a trucker in the UK - in all honesty it's pretty shite!

It pays a wage though, and for that, I'm grateful.

So watch out for more videos being uploaded to YouTube and if you see a fat hairy bearded truck driver, give them a wave - it could be me!

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